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RPG Stats Panel

09 May 2014, 11:18

This example explains how to use data binding to show the stats of a player in a simple panel control. The design is kept simple because it's not the goal of this sample. The code is written for Unity, but can easily be adapted to native C++ classes.
First we create a xaml that describes the interface of a Stats control (that could be reused to show the stats of various players at the same time if you want):

        <Style x:Key="HeaderText" TargetType="TextBlock">
            <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"/>
            <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="#Barkentina 1"/>
            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="13"/>
            <Setter Property="Margin" Value="12,2,0,0"/>
            <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="#80000000"/>
            <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="0.75"/>
        <Style x:Key="StatText" TargetType="TextBlock">
            <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"/>
            <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="#Barkentina 1"/>
            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="20"/>
            <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="#80000000"/>
            <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="1.5"/>
        <Style x:Key="StatBar" TargetType="ProgressBar">
            <Setter Property="MinHeight" Value="5"/>
            <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Silver"/>
            <Setter Property="Background" Value="Gray"/>
            <Setter Property="Margin" Value="8,0"/>
            <Setter Property="Template">
                    <ControlTemplate TargetType="ProgressBar">
                        <Border x:Name="PART_Track" Background="{TemplateBinding Background}" CornerRadius="1">
                            <Grid x:Name="PART_Indicator" HorizontalAlignment="Left">
                                <Border Background="{TemplateBinding Foreground}" CornerRadius="0.5" Margin="1"/>
        <LinearGradientBrush x:Key="SeparatorBg" EndPoint="1,0" StartPoint="0,0">
            <GradientStop Color="#0CFFFFFF"/>
            <GradientStop Color="#F2FFFFFF" Offset="0.15"/>
            <GradientStop Color="#F2FFFFFF" Offset="0.85"/>
            <GradientStop Color="#0CFFFFFF" Offset="1"/>
    <Border BorderBrush="#FFDEEA68" BorderThickness="2" CornerRadius="2" Padding="8">
            <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,0" StartPoint="0,0" SpreadMethod="Reflect">
                <GradientStop Color="#BD000000"/>
                <GradientStop Color="#8F000000" Offset="0.25"/>
                <GradientStop Color="#BD000000" Offset="1"/>
                <GradientStop Color="#8F000000" Offset="0.75"/>
        <StackPanel MinWidth="200">
            <TextBlock Text="HEALTH" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}"/>
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Health}" Style="{StaticResource StatText}"/>
                <TextBlock Text="/" Style="{StaticResource StatText}" Margin="2,0"/>
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding HealthMax}" Style="{StaticResource StatText}"/>
            <ProgressBar Value="{Binding Health}" Minimum="0" Maximum="{Binding HealthMax}" Style="{StaticResource StatBar}"
                Background="#FF3F892F" Foreground="#FF46FF00"/>

            <Rectangle Height="2" Fill="{StaticResource SeparatorBg}" Margin="0,2"/>

            <TextBlock Text="ATTACK" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}"/>
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Attack}" Style="{StaticResource StatText}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Padding="0,0,0,5"/>

            <Rectangle Height="2" Fill="{StaticResource SeparatorBg}" Margin="0,2"/>

            <TextBlock Text="DEFENSE" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}"/>
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Defense}" Style="{StaticResource StatText}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Padding="0,0,0,5"/>

            <Rectangle Height="2" Fill="{StaticResource SeparatorBg}" Margin="0,2"/>

            <TextBlock Text="GOLD" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}"/>
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Gold}" Style="{StaticResource StatText}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Padding="0,0,0,5"/>

            <Rectangle Height="2" Fill="{StaticResource SeparatorBg}" Margin="0,2"/>

            <TextBlock Text="EXPERIENCE/NEXT" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}"/>
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Experience}" Style="{StaticResource StatText}"/>
                <TextBlock Text="/" Style="{StaticResource StatText}" Margin="2,0"/>
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding NextLevel}" Style="{StaticResource StatText}"/>
            <ProgressBar Value="{Binding Experience}" Minimum="0" Maximum="{Binding NextLevel}" Style="{StaticResource StatBar}"
                Background="#FF2F8589" Foreground="Cyan"/>

            <Rectangle Height="2" Fill="{StaticResource SeparatorBg}" Margin="0,2"/>

Then we create the class that backs up this panel. Notice how we set the DataContext property, so bindings in the xaml can be resolved. The class that provides the bindings to the data, exposes the properties and calls NotifyPropertyChanged to notify Noesis that a property has changed, so we can update the UI:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class StatsPanel : Noesis.UserControl
    public StatsPanel(PlayerStats playerStats)

public class PlayerStats : Noesis.BaseComponent
    private float _health;
    public float Health
        get { return this._health; }
        set { if (this._health != value) { this._health = value; NotifyPropertyChanged("Health"); } }

    private float _healthMax;
    public float HealthMax
        get { return this._healthMax; }
        set { if (this._healthMax != value) { this._healthMax = value; NotifyPropertyChanged("HealthMax"); } }

    private float _attack;
    public float Attack
        get { return this._attack; }
        set { if (this._attack != value) { this._attack = value; NotifyPropertyChanged("Attack"); } }

    private float _defense;
    public float Defense
        get { return this._defense; }
        set { if (this._defense != value) { this._defense = value; NotifyPropertyChanged("Defense"); } }

    private float _gold;
    public float Gold
        get { return this._gold; }
        set { if (this._gold != value) { this._gold = value; NotifyPropertyChanged("Gold"); } }

    private float _experience;
    public float Experience
        get { return this._experience; }
        set { if (this._experience != value) { this._experience = value; NotifyPropertyChanged("Experience"); } }

    private float _nextLevel;
    public float NextLevel
        get { return this._nextLevel; }
        set { if (this._nextLevel != value) { this._nextLevel = value; NotifyPropertyChanged("NextLevel"); } }
Finally, you can create this panel any time and show it in the UI:
void ShowStatsPanel(PlayerStats playerStats)
    var statsPanel = new StatsPanel(playerStats);
And the result would look like the screenshot at the start of this post.

I hope you liked :)
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