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Noesis and create UI and graphics with c++, it is possible?

Posted: 29 Aug 2017, 17:05
by Wanderer
1. It is possible with Noesis create whole gui in c++ code comparable with xaml? That means, once I am finished with my GUI and I decide to rewrite it in to C++ code, for example.

2. Can Noesis create objects dynamicly like Rectangles, Circles, Shapes, Paths etc.. ? I want create simple vector graphic editor. Or it is better use some Vector Graphic Library?

3. I have plan display some data as wave or spectral harmonics in real time, it is possible with Noesis?

Re: Noesis and create UI and graphics with c++, it is possible?

Posted: 30 Aug 2017, 17:17
by jsantos
1. Sure. Everything you can do in XAML can be translated into code. Not sure if I would recommended it though.

2. Yes, you can create dynamic geometry with NoesisGUI using standard WPF API. Normally it is fine, but in case you need maximum speed avoiding tessellations we provide a class for that specific purpose, MeshGeometry (in NsGui/MeshGeometry). It is a Geometry, so it can be used as the rest of standard Geometries. By the way, it seems that class is not properly documented in the class hierarchy list. I will fix it for the next version.

3. Yes, it is possible. We have something similar (a lot more simpler than those examples, but similar) in the XamlPlayer stats panel.

Re: Noesis and create UI and graphics with c++, it is possible?

Posted: 30 Aug 2017, 21:15
by Wanderer
That is great. If there will full Implementation of WPF graphics, this means I can create full Vector Editor? With effects like shadows, blur, etc?

Re: Noesis and create UI and graphics with c++, it is possible?

Posted: 02 Sep 2017, 15:08
by jsantos
Effects (Blur, ShadowDrop, ...) aren't implemented yet but we are working on it. Apart from that, yes, I would say you can create a full vector editor using Noesis.

Re: Noesis and create UI and graphics with c++, it is possible?

Posted: 02 Jun 2018, 22:58
by XaeroDegreaz
Any news or updates on if you guys will support stuff like
    <BlurEffect [...]/>

Re: Noesis and create UI and graphics with c++, it is possible?

Posted: 04 Jun 2018, 07:58
by jsantos
Not yet, but we are working on it. Thanks for your patience!